Bean Bag by Lenny Warren at AirGunScotland.orgAs all you FT shooters are aware, a shooting bean bag is an essential bit of kit. I've currently been, or should that be, "bean" using a non maker marked ADVANTAGE Timber bean bag that I purchased from Pickering Airguns. It's probably similar to a lot of bean bags around the circuit. It was ok, but I fancied something a wee bit special. It's not used for hunting obviously, so cammo was not required. I prefered black. Now that we have our own logo, the idea crossed my mind that it would be good to have our logo on the bean bag.
Enter Dave Hutton at Range Sports, http://www.rangesports.com who being shooters themselves know about what makes a good product. I suggested the idea of a logo on our bean bag and he couldn't have been more helpful. He worked on our logo, as sometimes you have to change it to accomodate embroidery and once he had sorted that I purchased a shooting bean bag from his site.
Delivery was quick, next day in fact, 1st Class Recorded.
Taking the bean bag out it's packaging, the first thing that struck me was the quality. It really is heavy duty and I'm sure it will last for years! The stitching was very neat and well done. The carrying handle and zip (opening to fill with foam beads) were good quality and overall it seems much better quality than my existing bean bag.
On to the logo, yes... I'm pretty chuffed with it. Due to the nature of a logo with fine detail, the logo has had to be changed a bit, and you can never get the sort of fine detail we will get with our upcoming printed badges, but I was pleasantly surprised just how much detail shows on this badge, or to be more correct, embroidery. The logo is stitched directly into the surface of the bean bag and this looks so much better than a badge stitched on.
So, overall.... it's a very impressive product from Range Sports. I'm awarding it an AGS 5 pellet Award. (that's 5 out of 5 by the way!)
The company have been excellent to deal with, excellent communication and are eager to work with Airgunners to produce products specifically for them. Do yourself a favour, buy yourself a new bean bag and support companies who are shooters and really care for our hobby. I'd rather give them my money!!
Lenny Warren
Thanks for that Lenny, have a look at AirGunScotland.org by clicking HERE